- equilibrium position
- положение равновесия
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology.
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology.
equilibrium position — pusiausvyros padėtis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. equilibrium position vok. Gleichgewichtslage, f rus. положение равновесия, n; равновесное положение, n pranc. position d équilibre, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
equilibrium position — pusiausvyros padėtis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. equilibrium position vok. Gleichgewichtslage, f rus. положение равновесия, n pranc. position d’équilibre, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
position d'équilibre — pusiausvyros padėtis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. equilibrium position vok. Gleichgewichtslage, f rus. положение равновесия, n; равновесное положение, n pranc. position d équilibre, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
position d’équilibre — pusiausvyros padėtis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. equilibrium position vok. Gleichgewichtslage, f rus. положение равновесия, n pranc. position d’équilibre, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Equilibrium — E qui*lib ri*um, n.; pl. E. {Equilibriums}, L. {Equilibria}. [L. aequilibrium, fr. aequilibris in equilibrium, level; aequus equal + libra balance. See {Equal}, and {Librate}.] 1. Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state of rest… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equilibrium valve — Equilibrium E qui*lib ri*um, n.; pl. E. {Equilibriums}, L. {Equilibria}. [L. aequilibrium, fr. aequilibris in equilibrium, level; aequus equal + libra balance. See {Equal}, and {Librate}.] 1. Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equilibrium (puzzle) — Equilibrium, also known as Equi librium is an interlocking puzzle in the shape of a sphere. Copyrighted in 1974 by Reiss Games, Inc., it consists of 6 closed arch pieces, 5 of which have pegs on their straight center. The two pegs block the other … Wikipedia
Equilibrium (seaQuest 2032 episode) — Equilibrium was the seventh aired episode of seaQuest 2032 s third season and eighth produced overall. It was originally shown on November 15, 1995. The episode features the return of Nathan Bridger who left the series after Brave New World.… … Wikipedia
equilibrium — 1. The condition of being evenly balanced; a state of repose between two or more antagonistic forces that exactly counteract each other. 2. In chemistry, a state of apparent repose created by two reactions proceeding in opposite directions at… … Medical dictionary
position sense — posture sense the awareness of the position of the body or its parts in space, a combination of sense of equilibrium and kinesthesia … Medical dictionary
Chemical equilibrium — In a chemical reaction, chemical equilibrium is the state in which the concentrations of the reactants and products have not yet changed with time. It occurs only in reversible reactions, and not in irreversible reactions. Usually, this state… … Wikipedia